I recently had the pleasure of trying out CarPlan DIW005 de-ionised water, and I must say, it is quite the game-changer for car detailing. This highly purified water ensures that every wash leaves your car looking absolutely spotless. With the de-ionisation process effectively removing all dissolved minerals, impurities, and other contaminants, you can be sure you’re not introducing any unwanted elements onto your vehicle’s surfaces.

One of the standout features of this product is its versatility. It’s safe for use on all types of surfaces, thanks to its chemical-free nature. Whether you’re working on paint, glass, or metal, CarPlan de-ionised water won’t cause any damage.

For those meticulous about car care, the water is especially beneficial. It helps prevent water spots and streaking, making it ideal for the final rinse. This ensures a flawless finish every time, leaving your car looking as good as new. I also found it fantastic for cleaning windows, mirrors, and other surfaces—its streak-free performance is impressive.

CarPlan DIW005 de-ionised water is perfect for car enthusiasts and professional detailers alike. It promises to keep your car in pristine condition without the hassle of spots or streaks. If you take pride in maintaining your vehicle, this is one product you don’t want to overlook.

de-ionised water

By Charlie