If you’re a cat owner, you know how essential it is to keep your furry friend feeling comfortable and secure. The FELIWAY Classic 20ml Spray is a game-changer for anyone dealing with feline behavioural issues or stress. I’ve personally found this product to be a lifesaver for my cat during stressful situations.

The spray contains the ‘feline facial’ pheromone—a naturally occurring pheromone that cats release when they rub against objects to mark them as safe. This makes it a brilliant choice for reducing anxiety and making your pet feel at ease, whether at home or on the go.

One notable feature is that it’s completely scentless and species-specific, meaning it has no effect on humans or other pets. This is a big plus for multi-pet households or anyone concerned about introducing new scents into their living space.

The science backing this product is also impressive. It’s not just hearsay; FELIWAY is supported by over 25 years of research and is trusted by vets, charities, and behaviourists. This gives me a lot of confidence in its effectiveness.

The product is user-friendly and non-irritating, perfect for daily use, travel, or specific behavioural management needs. Simply spray it in areas where your cat spends the most time or on their travel carrier to keep them calm during car rides.

Overall, the FELIWAY Classic 20ml Spray has proven to be an invaluable tool in improving my cat’s behaviour and reducing stress. It’s a small investment for the well-being of your feline friend.

cat anxiety relief spray

By Charlie