I recently got my hands on the Johnson’s Baby Oil and I’ve been loving it! With its effective formula specially designed for newborns, it creates a light protective barrier on the skin, locking in more than double the moisture than baby lotion. Ideal for both baby and adult skin, it is hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested, perfect for delicate and sensitive skin.

Using it is delightfully simple. Just step out of the shower, apply it on wet skin and pat dry. This baby oil provides a unique experience, leaving the skin incredibly soft and glowing. It’s also fantastic for baby massage, fostering a wonderful bonding opportunity between parent and baby.

Despite being an internationally recognised household name, Johnson’s delivers this quality product in a generous 500ml bottle, ensuring it lasts. It’s evident that Johnson’s puts a lot of thought and care into its products. Also worth noting, this product is made in Italy, so you’re getting a touch of Italian quality in your daily skincare routine.

baby oil

By Charlie