Having problems with your toilet flush system? The Ideal Standard SV01967 Dual Flush Valve Seal & Clip, could be the solution you need. This is a universal dual flush valve seal and clip that is compatible with most flush valves, making it a versatile piece for your plumbing needs.

What struck me initially was the quality of this product. Despite its simplicity in design, you can tell that it holds a high standard of quality and durability, most likely due to its exterior finish of stainless steel.

Installation is straightforward, even for those not savvy in DIY projects. The set comes with a base sealing washer and a securing clip, further simplifying the process. The size (50 x 50 x 50 millimetres) is also suitable for most dual flush systems, catering to a wide range of models and brands.

I do want to note that the design may vary in colour – this, however, doesn’t affect the functionality or installation process, so it shouldn’t be a concern for most people.

Ultimately, the Ideal Standard SV01967 Dual Flush Valve Seal & Clip is a reliable, high-quality solution for those seeking to repair or maintain their toilet flush systems.


By Charlie