The Dog Mate Lockable Large Dog Door is a top-notch choice for any dog owner. Convenient, robust, and easy to install, it clearly stands out among dog door options. It’s specially designed for larger breeds, comfortably accommodating those of up to 25 inches shoulder height, such as Labradors and German shepherds. But don’t worry cat owners, this door can equally serve our feline friends too.

One remarkable feature is its rain-proof seal which gives it excellent weatherproofing capabilities. The fully brush sealed flap ensures that the cold stays out, keeping your home comfortably warm. You can trust it to shield your home from the harsh weather without failing. Even more, the flap operates silently and includes a vision panel for an added advantage.

What is outstanding about it is the two-way locking panel. Its robust build provides that much-needed security, and the clear visual cues let your dog know when the door is locked. The easy-to-use magnetic closure gives peace of mind knowing that the door will always shut securely after your pet goes through.

Suitable for heavy everyday use and available in a pleasant white colour that can match any decor, this Dog Mate door is a reliable and excellent choice for any conscientious pet owner.

dog door

By Charlie