The Nelsons® Arnicare® Cream is a product that every sporty and active household should harbour. With its homeopathic background, it’s designed to help soothe bruises and prevent them from leaving any nasty marks. Its’ magic lies in its active ingredient – Arnica montana.

Arnicare® Cream, with a promising 1:10 Arnica montana tincture, is a trusted companion for individuals with an active lifestyle—I know from experience! It helps to alleviate the pain from a minor injury, knock, or bump almost instantly. The cream, also, is a must-have essential for parents, who are often subject to their kids coming home with hallmark signs of an eventful day out!

It’s easy to use – simply apply to unbroken skin as soon as a bruise starts to develop. The cream is gentle and will not irritate your skin. However, make sure to keep it out of sight and reach of children, and do not use if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.

Despite the healing benefits, the cream is also a testament to purity and natural ingredients. It is vegan-friendly and includes cocoa butter, apricot kernel oil, and a natural rose scent which I personally adore. And the origin? None other than Germany, a country known for its strict quality controls. This cream is honestly a hidden gem that everyone needs to discover.

arnica cream

By Charlie